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Improving antipsychotic appropriateness in dementia patients (IA-ADAPT)

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Created By: Iowa Geriatric Education Center

Date Published: 2023

Category: Respond to mood or behaviour changes, Access clinical guidelines, Support with medication and/or deprescribing


Disclaimer: This resource includes information about the use of medication. Our understanding of the effective and appropriate use of medications to support people living with dementia is evolving. Our forthcoming guidelines (anticipated release date of March 2024) will include up-to-date information on this topic.

Improving antipsychotic appropriateness in dementia patients (IA-ADAPT) is a toolkit that includes information and resources for health care providers, care partners, and people living with dementia. It aims to increase understanding of how to manage behaviours and mood changes in people with dementia using evidence-based approaches. This toolkit contains informative videos on dementia, responding to dementia specific behaviours, medication and non-medication treatments, and reference guides to supplement the videos.

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